Hi, I am Wendy!
The owner and designer of EmbroidEZ.
I live in Southwest, MO, with my husband and our 2 Jack Russell Terriers. I taught myself (with some Youtube help) to sew ten years ago. I started with an Etsy shop, and I sew all kinds of fun accessories. You can check that out here: www.sewmuchfunstuff.etsy.com. After several inquiries about personalizing, I decided I needed to add embroidering to my accessories. It was a huge hit!!! So I decided to open my second business of custom embroidery work.
I love being my own boss and as a 9 yr breast cancer survivor, I have learned a lot about life and how I want to live it. I opened EmbroidEZ in 2017 to add extra income to my business portfolio. When I started these ventures, I hoped that I would do just my sewing and embroidering for my primary income one day. I am proud to say that day has arrived for me. I now have the flexibility to spend more time doing the things that are important to me. I want to live life to the fullest every day, and my small businesses have allowed me to do that.
Never take anything for granted.
Make everyday count!